The journey to your best smile is a partnership. It starts with the basics. What could change. What should change. And how that will happen. What it will feel like.

Then there’s the big day when you start your treatment, cause it’s not just braces.  This is it. You’re really on the journey with our team.
Regular check-ins. Small adjustments. Care instructions. We’re all over it. It’s all we do.

You’re unique, and your treatment journey needs careful, regular supervision for your best outcome. Because we’re serious about best outcomes here.
Not just for your best smile. A good set of teeth improves your entire wellbeing. 

Why wouldn’t you find out what could happen? 

Please scroll down below to find out more information specific to your age and treatment required.

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“Interceptive (Early) Orthodontic Treatment”

The Australian Society of Orthodontists recommends that every child be evaluated by an orthodontist no later than age 7. Early evaluation provides both timely detection of problems and greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Appropriate intervention can influence growth and development, preventing more serious problems later. Even when early orthodontic intervention is not necessary, we can carefully monitor the growth and development of the patient and begin treatment when timing is ideal.

Overall, the purpose of interceptive treatment is to guide the permanent teeth into their correct position and to facilitate proper growth and development of the jaws.

These are some of the specific goals of interceptive treatment: 

  • Create room for crowded, erupting teeth

  • Preserve space for unerupted permanent teeth and reduce the likelihood of impacted permanent teeth

  • Establish facial symmetry or balance by modifying jaw growth

  • Harmonize the width of the dental arches

  • Eliminate cross bites that, if uncorrected, may negatively affect growth of the jaws or cause premature wear on the teeth

  • Lower the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth

  • Reduce the need for tooth extraction in the future

  • Simplify and/or shorten treatment time for later corrective orthodontics

  • Improve some speech problems

  • Correct harmful oral habits

  • Improve self-esteem

Interceptive treatment aims at establishing proper growth and development rather than focusing specifically on the alignment of the teeth. This is because many of the permanent teeth have yet to erupt. In specific instances, braces on the front teeth may be indicated for a short time. 
Interceptive treatment is followed by an interim resting period during which time the patient usually wears some form of retainer while the remainder of the permanent teeth are allowed to erupt. After eruption of all of the permanent teeth, comprehensive treatment with full braces is generally necessary to align the teeth and achieve a proper bite for optimal aesthetics and function. In rare instances, comprehensive treatment is deemed unnecessary because a reasonable alignment and functionality of the teeth has occurred following interceptive treatment.


FAQ's for Children

How do I take care of them?

The care of your braces will be fully explained when they are placed. You'll get a full run down on cleaning, things to avoid eating (to prevent damage to the teeth and appliances) and how to keep and get yourself out of trouble. 

What types of braces are available?

Braces are available in metal - usually surgical grade stainless steel - and ceramic (the clear ones). There are hundreds of different brace types on the market. You will be fitted with what we feel are the best brace available. Also remember that we may choose a different brace to what's on your mate because it suits your condition better. 

When should my child commence orthodontic treatment?

The Australian and American Orthodontic Societies recommend initial orthodontic assessment around the age of 7 years when the permanent incisor teeth are erupting. The majority of children examined at this age will not require immediate treatment, perhaps never however early assessment helps detect problems that can benefit from early intervention. 

Why start treatment early?

Early treatment is only indicated where there is demonstrable benefit in intercepting a developing problem, that is the condition would worsen without intervention to the point where future treatment was compromised. An example of this would be an extreme bite problem which is amenable to corrective treatment at an early age but potentially difficult or impossible to treat when older. 

Will braces make me talk funny?

No, Braces should not interfere with the way you speak or the sound of your voice. Certain appliances have a minor effect on your voice however the tongue gets conditioned to these appliances quickly and speech returns to normal after a few days.

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“Orthodontics for teens”

Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment

Comprehensive treatment is initiated once most or all of the permanent teeth have emerged in the mouth. Typically, comprehensive treatment involves braces on both the upper and lower teeth. In select cases, Invisalign® may be used instead of braces. In adolescents, comprehensive orthodontic treatment combined with jaw orthopaedics aims to align the teeth, guide the growth and development of the jaws, and establish a proper bite. 

These are some of the specific goals of comprehensive treatment: 

  • Improved self-confidence associated with a more attractive smile

  • Improved function and comfort associated with a proper bite

  • Ideal alignment to improve cleansibility of the teeth

  • Less stress / strain on jaw joints (TMJs) and facial muscles

  • Improved distribution of forces on the teeth which leads to less abnormal wear of tooth surfaces

The length of comprehensive treatment depends on the severity of the problem. If the front teeth have minor crowding or spacing but the back teeth fit together properly, treatment may take as little as 9 - 12 months. By contrast, treatment to correct moderate to severe crowding or spacing or an improper bite typically takes between 18 - 24 months. In some cases, treatment may extend beyond 24 months.


FAQ's for Teens

Can I play contact sports with braces?

Yes, you can play contact sports BUT you must ask us for a mouth guard. 

How long does it take?

Brace treatment takes an average 18 months. There are cases that complete in 6 months, others in excess of 2 years. If it takes a REALLY long time, there could be cooperation issues like not wearing your elastics. 

What types of braces are available?

Braces are available in metal - usually surgical grade stainless steel - and ceramic (the clear ones). There are hundreds of different brace types on the market. You will be fitted with what we feel are the best brace available. Also remember that we may choose a different brace to what's on your mate because it suits your condition better. 

What will other people think about me with braces?

There are so many people out there with braces on that you'll just be one of the crowd. Brothers and sisters are the ones most likely to give you grief but they soon tire and get over it. 

Why get braces?

There are plenty of reasons to get braces, the most important is that treatment is faster and better when completed on a young and growing patient. Other factors include everyone you know has braces at your age so it's easier to be one of the crowd rather than dealing with it when you are older; your teeth usually get more crowded with age so if you think it's minor now, things will probably worsen; when your young your folks pay for it-they may not be as generous when you are older! 

Will braces make me talk funny?

No, Braces should not interfere with the way you speak or the sound of your voice. Certain appliances have a minor effect on your voice however the tongue gets conditioned to these appliances quickly and speech returns to normal after a few days.

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“Orthodontics for adults”

Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment

Comprehensive orthodontic treatment for adults usually involves braces on the top and bottom teeth and in select cases, Invisalign®.

In adults where the growth of the jaw is already complete, the purpose of orthodontic treatment is to place the teeth into their correct positions for an optimal bite, to optimise smile and facial aesthetics and to establish proper jaw function.

  • Improved self-confidence associated with a more attractive smile

  • Improved function and comfort associated with a proper bite

  • Ideal alignment to improve cleansibility of the teeth

  • Less stress / strain on jaw joints (TMJs) and facial muscles

  • Improved distribution of forces on the teeth which leads to less abnormal wear of tooth surfaces

  • Position the teeth to optimize other dental treatments (eg. implants, bridges, veneers, etc.)

Adult orthodontics is often associated with other forms of dental treatment where the overall goals cannot be achieved with braces alone.

Examples include periodontics (gums), crown and bridge, implants, veneers and oral surgery.

Correction of severe bite problems can be beyond the scope of orthodontics alone and jaw surgery may be recommended to achieve a more optimal result.

Typically, adult treatment is longer than that of the teen patient as the teeth and supporting jaws are less mouldable.  Despite this, the majority of adult treatments take twenty-four months or less.

We take into account the desire for privacy with our adult patients by offering private consultation rooms.  Additionally, a range of aesthetic alternatives to braces are offered where suitable.
