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Do I have to pay for my orthodontic care all at once?

We are sensitive to the financial pressures on families today, so for your convenience, we provide a payment plan for your orthodontic care. An initial deposit is paid when the appliances are constructed or fitted, and the balance is paid in monthly instalments for the duration of the treatment. 

Do I need a referral to see an orthodontist?

No. You can arrange a consultation without your dentist's referral however we will ask you to see your dentist for a check-up prior to any treatment. If you do not have a dentist, we will happily provide you with some convenient options. We have a large number of well-respected and caring colleagues who can look after your general dental needs. 

How do I take care of them?

The care of your braces will be fully explained when they are placed. You'll get a full run down on cleaning, things to avoid eating (to prevent damage to the teeth and appliances) and how to keep and get yourself out of trouble.


How much does orthodontic treatment cost?

No two orthodontic problems are the same and the cost of orthodontic treatment will depend on the severity of the problem and the treatment required. Many orthodontic problems require only simple treatment and you might find that the cost is lower than you thought. Costs will be discussed in full at your initial consultation. The fee that we quote covers all aspects of your orthodontic treatment and the majority of patients pay this fee in instalments over the duration of the treatment thus making payment more manageable.


Should I continue to see my family dentist while in braces?

Definitely! It is very important to continue your regular dental check-ups to prevent and detect dental decay and to monitor your overall dental health.


Should I take out health insurance cover?

Health funds repay some of the cost of orthodontic treatment for fund members who have the appropriate level of dental insurance. Please carefully check the premiums, conditions and level or rebate to see whether you will be better off with insurance or not.  

What are my payment options?

The majority of orthodontic fees will be levied in instalments so that you can comfortably spread your treatment fee over the duration of the treatment. This usually takes the form of an initial deposit when the appliances are placed followed by monthly instalments until the fee is paid out. Payment can be made by MasterCard, Visa, American Express, cheque, cash, funds transfer and direct debit. 

What does my orthodontic insurance cover?

We do not have a direct relationship with any insurer and there are many insurers and schemes on the market so it is impossible to give you an accurate idea as to the level of orthodontic cover that you can expect. We will provide written quotes so that you can enquire directly with your insurance company. It is advisable that you do so before you commence treatment. 

What does my treatment fee cover?

The fee covers the entire treatment including fitting of braces or other orthodontic appliance, periodic adjustments, removal of the braces or appliance, one set of retainers (if needed) and the retention and observation periods thereafter for a period of two years.  The fee does not cover such items as ancillary treatment that may be required before, during or after treatment such as recall visits, surgery and check-ups with your dentist.

When will appointments be scheduled?

We share your concern about missing work, and we make every effort to ensure that all patients receive a fair share of convenient appointments. We schedule longer appointments during school hours and shorter appointments before and after school. The majority of your appointments will fall in the short category.